PKS developers use the following keys: pub 1024D/E3DB8B0E 2002-11-18 Chris Kuethe <ckuethe@ualberta.ca> Key fingerprint = 55F0 8721 4ECF 7E87 9A56 3EDD F1B2 F17C E3DB 8B0E pub 4096R/99242560 2002-01-28 David M. Shaw <dshaw@jabberwocky.com> Key fingerprint = 7D92 FD31 3AB6 F373 4CC5 9CA1 DB69 8D71 9924 2560 pub 2048R/3CB3B415 1998-04-03 David M. Shaw <dshaw@jabberwocky.com> Key fingerprint = 4D 96 83 18 2B AF BE 45 D0 07 C4 07 51 37 B3 18 pub 1024D/66FBC18C 2000-11-21 M. Drew Streib <dtype@dtype.org> Key fingerprint = 4FA5 B256 ACD7 A628 401B 0B39 8368 BB59 66FB C18C pub 1024D/5E1F1BCE 2000-12-01 Richard James Laager (Richie Laager) <rlaager@bigfoot.com> Key fingerprint = 03D4 AED7 0990 0162 EDF5 5183 6DF5 3AB9 5E1F 1BCE Richard James Laager (Richie Laager) <rlaager@wiktel.com> Richard James Laager (Richie Laager) <rlaager@hotmail.com> Laager, Richard James <laag0007@mail.crk.umn.edu> LAAG0007 <LAAG0007@mail.crk.umn.edu> |
PKS's developers are Chris Kuethe, Richard Laager, David Shaw and M. Drew Streib as well as many contributors on the pgp-keyserver-folk@alt.org mailing list.
This product uses software developed by Marc Horowitz. His site for PKS (up to version 0.9.4) is http://www.mit.edu/people/marc/pks/.
Complaints, comments, concerns, questions, etc. about this page may be sent to to Chris Kuethe.
Copyright © 2003 Chris Kuethe, Richard Laager